"All scripts are working properly and ready to use. But if you want to modify them, you need knowledge about SL Script."
1*Emoter 12 Local Chat Messages. / On touch it shoots a Drop-down menu to choose the message you want.
2*Action when the date arrives. / Say or do something this Day.
3*Alpha fade in / out on touch.
4*Atach an object to Avatar on touch.
5*Inventory Items Number Report / 2 Scripts to count Content items.
6*Attach specific or detach / Attach here or detach.
7*Avatar Alert with Owner Messages / Detects nearby avatars and send us a message.
8*Avatar Collision Report / New state before the collision.
9*Avatar Ejecter by Chat / Write the name of the avatar and eject him.
10*Avatar Info on touch / Avatar details.
11*Avatar Compass facing Report / To detect where the avatar is looking.
12*Avatar Language Detector.
13*Prim Levitation.
14*Avatar position Reporter / Av. Sim position.
15*Avatar Speed Detector / How fast is moving.
16*Bann with Avatar name
17*Change radio Night - Day
18*Channel Kill Object / Delete an object by typing a word in the local chat.
19*Channel Light on-off / Same but with a light.
20*Channel Random Color Changer / Select a random color changer by typing a word in the local chat.
21*Drop Items here / Transforming an object into a storage for items of other avatars.
22*Gets Avi Name & Displayed / Shows the real name and nickname.
23*Grab follow mouse moves(Prim will follows the mouse arrow).
24*Play Prim Inventory Anim On Sit.(Set pos,rot and animation delay).
25*Link or Unlink on touch.
26*Prim Face Touch Report.
27*Give Object same group / Simple but you need to have it 1.
28*Force Look on Sit / Simple but you need to have it 2.
29*Avatar Key-Detect / Simple but you need to have it 3.
30*Collision Type Reporter.
31*Avatar Size & Box Over Him / Avatar detects the size and make the box. Ideal to divide and create something more interesting.
32*"The fifth item contains 2 scripts" ;P
Alota ♥
Rule ☛ These scripts are editable for your greatest performance, giving
you the ability to set different parameters according your needs, you can
sell within your creations, but before delivery, please adjust to NO MOD
(not modified). Do not sell them as such, only in your items.
você tem todas as cópias em Português?
los necesitaba a todos, por favor avisame si añades alguno para crear juegos.
I had two of them but i needed rest,thank you for sharing these:)