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G-Steel Series Dragon's Claws BOX]

G-Steel Series Dragon's Claws BOX]

G-Steel Series

Thank'you for purchase an item from the G-Steel Series.

Dragon's Claws:


- Double Melee on Forearms!
- Custom Sound
- Retractable Claws!
- Finely Worked!
- Full MONO scripted.
- Faster Melee weapon
- Advanced particle effects
- Custom animation from G-Steel Series ..
- Special Attack:

Dcs impaler (not included) may be put in the left Claw!


This is very fast animation, for better performance set you avatar running before attack.


the command is the tipical draw & sheath in general chat or you can use the custom gesture incluse in the pack.

once the weapons is drawed you can control by holding left mouse button + WASD button.

Special attack can be activate holding shift +A and shift+D.


Sometimes, in some land the enchanted combatscript can have a little bug, to debug u can try to:

-Reset the script from menù
-Drop and take the item bugged
-make sure if the land is dcs or ccs compatible
-make sure if the land have script blocked
-try the item in a different land

Don't change texture or structure of the claws, because the sword script could be instable
We decline responsability about this!

Thank'you so much!

G-Steel Staff.

visit our land in world:

Arcadia officinae - G-Steel shop

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