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GD07-XXXG-01H2 Gundam HeavyArms Kai (Boxed)

GD07-XXXG-01H2 Gundam HeavyArms Kai (Boxed)

GD07-XXXG-01H2 Gundam HeavyArms Kai (Ver. Endless Waltz)
1:10 Standard Edition Avatar Set desc. & User Guide

Standar Edition: This av is about 7.2 ft (2.1 meter) height

. For full resolution images, view gallery:

. Requires Viewer that supports alpha mask (SL2.0+, Pheonix, Cool, SnowGlobe, etc.)

. Avatar is -MOD+COPY-TRANS
* Gatling Gun: +MOD+COPY-TRANS
missile system: -MOD+COPY-TRANS

. Rendering cost:
no weapon, lite backpack set: 4542 (fast ~ medium)
peak: 6771 (medium)

Model includs: (parts / attach point)
. Head (skull)
. Armor (chest) (missile system embeded)
. Backpack Booster (Spline)
. Upper Arm Armor (L / R upper arm) (missile system embeded)
. Forearm Armor (L / R Fore arm)
. Hands (L/R hands)
. Backpack (pelvis)
. Upper Leg Armor (L/R Upper Leg) (missile system embeded)
. Lower Leg Armor (L/R Lower Leg) (missile system embeded)
. Foot Armor (L / R Foot)
. Alpha Mask, body Shape, clothes and Hair
. Weapons (Double Barrel Beam Gatling *2 ) left / Right hand use

HUD system
. UniHUD (v3.67)
. Missile HUD (HeavyArms)

. The creator of this product is not responsible for any technical error cause by lag or other unauthorized use. Althought the gun / booster scripts are tested for several times, but there can still be some small error we haven’t noticed. For any major bug, please contact the creator for debugging.

. The creator of this product is responsible for errors caused by insufficient permission setting. If you found any item in this product have any problems of rezzing due to insufficient permission setting, please contact the creator for item updates.

Alternative Parts:
Please choose either one set of the following parts:

. Full set: Backpack (Full) or
. Lite set: Backpack (Lite)
(less prim, no sheath/unsheath prim animation)

---Missile System User Guide---

. Toggle ON/OFF via Missile HUD, missile will be activated by clicking the corresponding buttons on the HUD, or manual input.

. Hide / Expand Missile HUD:
via clicking the MAIN panal of the HUD.
(when expanded, the main panal is the "background" of the HUD while other icons activates missile attack)

. Chest: valcon cannons ( bullet (S) / bullet (M)) Max Ammo: 60 Bias Angle: 1/6 pi
. L/R Upper Arms: Mirco Missile (type P) Max Ammo: 21 (X2) Bias Angle: 1/6 pi
. L/R Upper Legs: Mirco Missile (type H) Max Ammo: 4 (X2) Bias Angle: 0 pi
. L/R Lower Legs: Mirco Missile (type P) Max Ammo: 8 (X2) Bias Angle: 1/6 pi

Manual Controls:

. Forward (Fwd or W Key) + Left MouseClick
activates chest valcon cannons. shoots 5 X bullet (S) + 2 X bullet (M)
(GVG) damage = 5 * 7 hit + 10 * 2 hit = 55

. Shift(Hold) + LHS (Left or A key) + Left MouseClick
activates micro missiles on Left Upper Arm ( Type [P] ) shoots 3 X P.Missiles each serve
(GVG) damage = 10 * 3 hit = 30

. Shift(Hold) + RHS (Right or D key) + Left MouseClick
activates micro missiles on Right Upper Arm ( Type [P] ) shoots 3 X P.Missiles each serve
(GVG) damage = 10 * 3 hit = 30

. Backward (Bwd or S Key) + Left MouseClick
activates micro missiles on Left + Right Upper Leg ( Type [H] ) shoots 2 X P.Missiles each serve
(GVG) damage = 20 * 2 hit = 20

. Down (Bwd or S Key) + Left MouseClick
activates micro missiles on Left + Right Upper Leg ( Type [P] ) shoots 8 P.Missiles each serve
(GVG) damage = 10 * 8 hit = 80

. Multiple damage power may not always accumulated, due to game-balance protetion / sim lag.
Multiple damage only enlarges attack range.

GIGA Attack

. Activates via clicking the upper icon of missile HUD ("Caution" icon)

. Ignores how many ammos left in each body part, giga attack always fires:
. 3 times on L / R upper Arm s 10*3*2*3 = 180
. 3 times on chest 55*3 = 165
. 4 times on L / R Upper Legs 20*2*4 = 160
. 2 times on L / R lower legs 10*4*2*2 = 160
. 3 times on L/R Gatling Guns (Must wear guns first)
55*3*2 = 330
Ideal max damage = 995 (GVG) / 90 (MHHQ)
average damage: around 350 (GVG) / 30 (MHHQ)
. After a giga attack, all weapon systems will shut down for 100 seconds. (Gatling gun will enter reload mode, reload time = bullets consumed ) you'll be totally defenseless during this time, so use giga attack wisely!

See item in Second Life
Average rating: full star full star full star empty star empty star
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Missile errors
full star full star full star empty star empty star Posted August 02, 2014 by Mechinode

I bought this some time ago love the detail but! The missile system HUD
It doesn't work right I would love some help.

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Not worth it.
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted December 14, 2011 by BlackHeart000 Korobase

If you buy this then you had better do the roleplay. because their is no Safe zone (LLCS) mode for it. and the weapons are next to impossible to use as their is no clear explination as to what the HUD does. Extremely disapointed.

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Somewhat dissappointed
full star full star full star empty star empty star Posted July 08, 2011 by Ashlynn Gravois

I have to say, I picked this up because I'm a heavy fan of the Gundam Heavyarms. I'm even more fan of the Endless Waltz model, namely this. As a Collector, it's nice when you can collect the really cool Gundams from the different series however I found myself dissappointed for the price. While this is a fully functional Gundam, with a very greatly scripted weapons system. What really irks me off with the price is that it lacks any kind of AO. My advice would be buy this if you have an AO or a heavy fan. But personally this shouldn't cost 2000 lindens.

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted June 08, 2011 by Ragar Riler

Finally a Heavy Arms and not just a non functioning remake...this thing is awesome!!
perfectly scrpited and built...ill be picking up more from this maker for sure...
prolly THE best Gundams in SL
cant wait for more!!!

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