{GF} ~ End of the Line ~ Winter
✲ - End of the Line ~ ✍
✲ Abandoned rail road line with lots of detail created for a small parcel to a full region.
- Scenes are set to scale meaning they are life sized compared to your avatar (Not small) so 1/16 of a region is recommended for short version while 1/8 region is recommended for extended versions
- E-O-T-L ~ Winter ~Extended X2 -L.I. 453 is for someone with a full region with extra prim to spare.
- E-O-T-L ~ Winter ~Extended X2 "Treeless" -L.I. 363 is for those who can live without the trees already having there own landscaping in place.
- E-O-T-L ~ Winter ~Extended -L.I. 369 is made with less plants & trees more for those who need the lowest impact while already having there own landscaping in place.
- E-O-T-L ~ Winter ~Extended "Treeless" -L.I. 309 is for those who can live without the trees already having there own landscaping in place.
- E-O-T-L ~ Winter ~ -L.I.301 is the best balance being only a little bit shorter having one less rail road car while retaining the most detail. (as a landscaper this is my pick out of them all)
- E-O-T-L ~ Winter ~"Treeless" -L.I.256 is for those who can live without the trees already having there own landscaping in place.
- Will Include bonus Snow Emitters
- Instructions: Place against a mountain or hill and another option is face the back of the tunnel against the sim corner.
* Permissions: copy/mod/no trans (scripts, animations, props copy only)
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