G 全般

*GG Designs Daisy Duke Outfit w/Boots (boxed)

*GG Designs Daisy Duke Outfit w/Boots (boxed)

Be the Hottest girl in Hazzard County or anywhere in this Daisy Duke outfit. Comes with: TWO high detail tied shirt tops with prim & flexi attachments--in Blue and Red plaid. The Hottest Daisy Duke cutoffs in SL--High detail with prim belt loops attachments. A BONUS
General Lee torn Tank Top, PLUS high detail western boots! Clothing on ALL all layers and all Mod/Copy

Second Life の商品を表示
  • Smokin Hot Daisy Duke cutoffs w/prim belt loops
  • TWO Daisy Duke tied Boyfriend shirts w/prim collar, sleeves, and Flexi Tie-KNot
  • Bonus General Lee Torn Tank Top
  • High Detail Sculpted Leather Western boots w/alpha
  • Lolas Tango Appliers for all 3 tops!