☞ This vehicle is all about role play...simply put. Included are several scenes to choose from to play out your RP on your own sim or a community sim. The rezzable scenes are as follows:
▪ Mechanic: Rezzes a tool chest to allow you to work on your vehicle, as well as an ADULT MENU option.
▪ Wash Rim: Rezzes a wash bucket for you to wash your wheels. Click the wash bucket to initiate.
☞ To access this feature:
1. Click the clock on the center console.
2. Select your scene from the drop down menu.
☞ Choose the look you want, going from a stock looking vehicle to a custom after market look. With this feature you can:
▪ Choose between stock wheel size and aftermarket wire wheels.
▪ Hide or show the Hardtop.
▪ Hide or show the Backseat Cover.
▪ Hide or show the Continental Kit.
▪ Hide or show the Fender Skirts
▪ Hide or show the Stock Steering Wheel.
▪ Hide or show the Audio/Visual Components
▪ Hide or show the Hydraulic Setup.
☞ To access this feature:
1. Click the vehicle, select "Options".
2. Then select "Fixtures".
3. Select the corresponding button to hide or show a fixture.
☞ Color Change.
1. To access color change features, click the vehicle.
2. Select options. then select graphics, then select color.
3. Select which part of the car you wish to change by clicking the corresponding button.
☞ Choose between 3 shine levels to achieve the look of Black Chrome, Stainless Steele and Chrome.
1. To access color change features, click the vehicle.
2. Select options. then select graphics, then select color.
3. Select which part of the car you wish to change by clicking the corresponding button.
☞ Customizable License Plate
1. Click license plate.
2. You will see a drop down bo for you to enter the UUID of your texture.
3. Locate your license plate texture in your inventory.
4. Right click the texture and select "copy Asset UUID".
5. Paste UUID in the drop down box and select OK.
☞ Any driver wearing the free Fuel System HUD can now use simulated fuel when the vehicle is in motion. If you run out of fuel, the vehicle stops operating. The HUD wearer can fuel up at a Fuel System enabled pump. Removing the HUD will allow the vehicle to operate normally for anyone not using the fuel system HUD.
☞ To refuel your vehicle:
1. Rez your gas pump (included in the prepackage box)
2. Position your vehicle next to it.
3. Click the gas pump.
☞ 63 PRIMS
☞ Custom-made components
☞ Power Windows
☞ Detailed undercarriage
☞ New Preloaded Music
☞ Browser Tv(s)
☞ Realistic tires w/thread
☞ Customizable License Plate
☞ Point lighting
☞ Ignition Activated Neon Amp trim
☞ Seats 4
☞ Flight Mode enabled
☞ Opening Doors, Hood and Trunk
☞ Standard vehicle operations
☞ Custom Interior
☞ New custom built speaker box and amps
☞ 53 preset colors
☞ Shine Control
☞ Detailed Engine Compartment
☞ Detailed Custom Designed Trunk Layout
☞ New Animations
☞ Baked Textures