G 全般

GRAVES Circuit - Gray + inclusive Omega, TMP appliers

GRAVES Circuit - Gray + inclusive Omega, TMP appliers

The Ultimate in Cyber Fetish: Skintight Pleasure- Plug- Bodysuit with many extras ^_^

+ for Basic Avatars AND Mesh Avatars.
+ Included Appliers: Omega, Slink Physique, Hands, Feet, The Mesh Project, Lolas, Phat A...

The included Omega Applier supports many Meshes: For example Maitreya, Belleza, Lolas, Banned, WowMeh.... Full list here: http://lovenlustdesigns.blogspot.de/p/supported-meshes.html

+ includes 2 suit versions: with gray latex and black only
+ many prim extras
+ optional plugs :)
+ optional brast cover :)
+ animated, pulsating parts
+ Cuffs with screens and animations
+ optional animated body light dots
+ easy to mix & match with other Graves catsuits
+ classic fetish or cyber style

See pictures for details.

Prims: copy / modify & scripted resize
Clothes layers: copy / no modify

Available in 7 colours.

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