G General

GRAVES Elegance - Ruby + inclusive Omega, TMP appliers

GRAVES Elegance - Ruby + inclusive Omega, TMP appliers

+ for Basic Avatars AND Mesh Avatars.
+ Included Appliers: Omega, The Mesh Project
(for Slink and Maitreya you can use Omega)

The included Omega Applier supports many Meshes: For example Maitreya, Belleza, Lolas, Banned, WowMeh.... Full list here: http://lovenlustdesigns.blogspot.de/p/supported-meshes.html

The Dress is based on Mesh.
The tight underwear parts (transparent top, gloves) are based on clothing layers and includes Aplliers for Omega and TMP.

Ruby elegant leather / latex / dress / gown.

+ Optional transparent top
+ Optional prim buckles
+ Sculpted prim Collar and Hat
+ Mesh dress comes in 5 sizes.

See pictures for details.
Available in Black, White, Ruby and Megapack.

Clothes layer [copy / no modify] multi layer
Mesh dress [copy / no modify] 5 sizes
Prim parts [copy / modify] scripted resize