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[GUARDIAN] Reptile-Legs

[GUARDIAN] Reptile-Legs

[GUARDIAN] Reptiles legs.

● Two styles included,lower leg and feet only. Feet ones can be worn with any pants. 2 different claws shapes.

● Texture dev kit with UV,AO,claws defuse.
( https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/3fux35sdr1awbt6vo4uej/h?rlkey=1t2lhlbo1992zh3xkbdjuwhe7&dl=0 )

●Fits Belleza Jake/isis/freya. Maitreya lara. (Unrigged version included)

Illustrated texrures not included!

Clasificación media: full star full star full star full star empty star
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Broken over a year ago, but the creator is fixing things now.
full star full star full star empty star empty star Publicado October 09, 2023 por Inorex Michalak

I bought these based on a recommendation in the "Regalia Natural Gator" skin pack back in early 2022. At that time the applier was broken and the dropbox devkit link was dead. The rest of the legs are or at least were no-mod which made things difficult in regards to skin-matching to say the least.

The creator recently reached out and gave out a fresh Dropbox link to the devkit - not just for me but for several other prior reviewers going by what I see here. I'll have to see if they've updated the applier to fix whatever was wrong with it, it's been a hot minute and there's a lot going on IRL that keeps my SL time to a minimum these days. Will clear this once again and write a final review whenever I get around to checking things out! :)

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Review update
full star full star full star full star full star Publicado October 08, 2023 por kage Eyre

After the creator reached out and fixed the issue, I no longer have any complaints, previously it was not easy to texture and the link for the legs were broken, but a new link was provided fixing those issues. I really do recommend these legs they are beautiful and fit perfectly ( using on Maitreya body )

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Love the fit and the look.
full star full star full star full star full star Publicado October 05, 2023 por Ryuko Nishi

Originally had a small issue with these claws, however the creator was able to reach out and fix it. Making these claws perfect for anyone wanting a little more serious look to their reptiles.

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full star full star full star empty star empty star Publicado May 12, 2023 por Colarix

The mesh looks great, awesome even, but since they are not bom, the texturing is a difficult task.
It also doesn't help that the link to the texture files is broken and hasn't been fixed.

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Great feet
full star full star full star full star full star Publicado May 07, 2023 por Overripe Banana

These are the best looking reptilian feet for multiple purposes in my opinion

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link to the mod gives an erro
full star full star full star empty star empty star Publicado May 03, 2023 por Sapfera

good legs, but the link to the mod gives an error, alas.
It’s a pity that I didn’t think of looking at the comments before buying, I really liked them.
If the link worked, it would be possible to make yourself almost perfect legs.

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