GV Full Perm Kindness Dress Slink+Maitreya+Belleza+TMP+Ebody Reborn+Legacy+Tonic

This item is compatible with Slink, Belleza, Maitreya, TMP, Ebody Reborn, Legacy, Tonic, Classic and Classic Fitmesh versions.
- 5 Size Classic Rigged Mesh (XS, S, M, L, XL)
- 5 Size FitMesh Rigged Mesh (XS, S, M, L, XL)
- Slink Physics, Slink Hourglass, Maitreya, TMP
- Belleza Venus, Isis, Freya, Ebody Reborn, Legacy, Tonic
- Textures
- UV, Normals, Shadow map, Specular map
Terms and Conditions
Please read my terms and conditions carefully before committing to buy:
- Full Perm
- UV, Normals, Shadow map, Specular map
- 1 Face
- 5 size classic 5 size fitmesh
- Slink, Belleza, TMP, Ebody Reborn, Legacy, Maitreya, Tonic
I love it so much
Cute, but bad UV map...
This dress is lovely, the model itself is well made, the shadow map is fairly decent, but the UV map is quite a mess. here's a screenshot for reference ---> https://i.gyazo.com/021454a81d77e883cf4fd2d7e0a13ae4.png
This dress would probably work for patterns or simple designs, but i wouldn't want to attempt stripes or anything of the sort, but overall it's a cute piece.
L$ 250
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- User Licensed