Lock your love!
With the choker there is a HUD Color so you have endless possibilities.
1 - HUD COLOR :::GW::: HeartLock Choker consists of:
- two buttons to select the areas to be colored
- a palette for colors
- a set of keys to quickly select the most used colors
So to change the color of an area you must first click on the relevant key and then choose the color.
2 - Simply click on buttons of under "MAIN" for change the texture of the main part af the choker and click on buttons under "DECORATIONS" for change the texture others parts.
3 - To use the resizer it is necessary to click on the choker and a menu will appear.
4 - To delete scripts in the choker:
- press DELETE command from the resizer menu
- type "/74noscript-HeartLock" in local chat to delete the script that communicates with the HUD