An organic crown of horns with glowing designs and icey horn tips that should fit into any fantasy setting.
Collaborative work with the creator of [Gauze], Yukio Ida which can be found in The Twilight sim along with the main store [][]Trap[][] location.
Glow can also be turned off or adjusted.
The horn consists of three tintable layers for glow, Ice and base.
Glowing parts are all default white that can be tinted any color you wish with the included HUD.
Two sets of horns are provided in the package, one with the decorations, and the other a plain horns only version.
There are resize options, glow, color, shine, and transparency.
A texture changing HUD is included with a variety of wood base options for lots of customization fun!
Any other information is provided for the HUD in a detailed notecard. (Including suggestions to make some neat effects!)
Have fun :)
If you have photos I would love to see them <3
Voir l'article dans Second Life- Classic Fantasy or Demonic
- Can be resized
- Many color options
- HUD for Texture change
I bought a dozen before I found the real one
grateful thanks!!!