G 全般

Gazing C

Gazing C

Liven up your scenes with this realistic, smooth-motion cuddle animation set.

Sylva's animations are among the very best to be found in Second Life. Smooth, realistic movement, long, seamless loops, with minimal distortion of the avatar mesh.

Sylva's Animation Factory stocks animations of all kinds, from mundane to exotic, prosaic to erotic. Please check out my store, and come visit us in-world to see the scope and quality of our work. Over 1200 premium motion animations in stock and growing nearly every day! We also stock a full line of static photography poses.

This is a poseball set, with embedded animations. Those animations may be removed to be utilized in other applications. Does not include props or furniture.

*This item is linked inworld with the Capservend system, and can be redlivered through my store through the vendor or redlivery kiosk.

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