German DMU VT 137 v1 (vintage, SLRR Standard) script versions v3.2a, Li= 117/car.
Arranged for the use on Second Life Railroad tracks (SLRR Standard 1.96m gauge) this train is built for traveling along the tracks of the Mainland ( HETEROCERA Atoll ) and also private sims to bring life and attraction, funny roleplay or a way to travel around with your guests / friends, an eyecandy wherever you want to go.
Its basically a "ready to got train" which comes in the package, but also offers a wide spread possibility of creativity.
MOD and COPY, no trans; scripts copy, no mod, no trans
The package contains:
00. Description
01. German DMU VT 137 v1 (vintage, SLRR Standard) Li= 117/car
02. 02. Railtrack Package A60 SLRR Basic
03. 03. Multifunction Sensor v2.3a for remote control of ALL train functions
04. VT 137 v1 Remote HUD by Radioactive Rosca
Start initializes the 10 seconds accelerating process with acc. sound, acc. wheels, exhauster on
Stop initializes the decelerating process with dec. sound, dec. wheels
EMERGENCY stops the train immediately e.g. when reaching wrong switches, dead ends
Faster accelerating your train for 5 seconds to the next higher speed
Slower decelerating your train for 5 seconds each to the next lower speed
Flip 180 degrees spin of every vehicle e.g. on dead end stations or whenever you want to return to your origin. Works also in curves/bends.
Lights activates the light scripts e.g. head lights or back lights of your loco or carriages
Sound Toggle switch for on off sounds (loco must be stopped)
Tone 1 short signal tone
Tone 2 long signal tone
Help gives info about basic key functions
Reset script reset, rerailing in guide direction
Doors open and close via HUD
Passenger seats
walkable cars, solid on stop
Much fun, Bibian ( Brit Balogh)
For assistance please contact me via IM or notecard
- Passenger Train in SLRR (Second Life Railroad) Standard
- Smooth movement in curves, start and stop, Forward- & Backward Movement
- up to 16 passengers
- HUD-, Menu-, or Remote Sensor controlled
- Railrack Package AAA50 included
Best single car DMU?
While I don't know much about German locomotives, I can certainly say this a great DMU.
Very detailed inside and out,, you can sit and run the engine in both ends of the cab. The engine has a coupling option but nothing to couple too.
- Very detailed and a Smooth runner even when sim crossing (for me atleast).
- Has realistic engine start up to get it moving.
- None as far as I know.