Some words before you misunderstood me.
I made this buildings because i like to know the history from my town and i like the buildings from the time. I support NOT what happens in World War 2 and i will NEVER do that. My family lost also many in that black period.
German Military Base Headquarter from WW II
Detailed rebuild of a german military base building from the second world war. In RL you find this buildings in Wahlstedt/Northgermany and it was the headquarter from the base. The tower on the roof was for the flack to destroy attacking airplanes. This Base was a munitions factory for the german Navy..
Footprint is 46x22m and it has only 294 prims. Doors are swinging and controlable by touch (open/close) or with controler (open/Close/lock/unlock). Lamps are inside and outside and controlabe by touch or with controler. Windows are texturable with 3 textures (Can change on controler every room seperate)
- Lamps inside and outside
- Texturable Windows
- Lockable doors
- controler for windows, lamps and doors
- rebuild of a real building from WW II