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Giant Claw Hammer (Box)

Giant Claw Hammer (Box)
Giant Claw Hammer (Box)
0 Reviews

A giant hammer that bashes people if they walk near it.
Place it near your landing point and bash avatars out of the way, or just have it as a toy to amuse people on your land.

Rezz and position the hammer where you would like it, then touch it to activate it.

When somebody gets close to the hammer it will bash them.

Touch again to disable the hammer and allow repositioning.

You can set the detection range by setting the distance in the hammers description.
(Default is 4 meters)

L$ 79

Adding to cart as gift


Boyz Toyz
Boyz Toyz
Sold by: Snodge Snoodle

Unpacking Required

This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.

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Land Impact: 6