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gift store rococo socksj green

gift store rococo  socksj green

Gift store rococo socks green

Gift store rococo socks

Hello to all i'm Graphic Designer from Ukraine. In this shop you can to find many interesting things for creators ( ligo, texture) also shop selling clothing and accessories. Unique design author Marina Baidukova. Also made design for a real company.in real life.

Store has been created in 2015. You can found avtore texture in Second Life (solomkadream2015). You can order logo. texture exclusive too/

what we propose:

Fast make
The best service

Marina is 32 years old, for a specialist it's good age for make many good things for a ppl. We happy to spend our time for art. Also we are online every day, so you can to find us online. In Second life we are come 8 years ago, have mach qualification.

Second life nick Solomkadream2015
Real name Marina Baidukova

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