Sherwani is originated in South Asia, have always been a preferred costume of the nobles. The royals always had a fondness for it.
Brides have always been the focal point of a wedding ceremony wearing elaborate and colourful heavily embroidered outfits. The bridegrooms are no way behind them in stealing the show. To look like a prince on the very special day is now effortless with a majestic Sherwani.
Set Contains..
Sherwani Shirt - Top layer
Sherwani Shirt Bottom - Pants Layer
Sherwani Shirt roller neck collar - Sculpted
Sherwani waist band - sculpted
Sherwani Front Frill with Buttons - Sculpted
Sherwani - Mesh - all 5 sizes - XL, L, M, S, XS
Sherwani Pants - Mesh - 3 Sizes - L, M, S
Alpha layer
All layers are copy and all prim attachments are copy, mod/resizer, Mesh is copy.
Please do contact me if you still need any other info.
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