This item is delivered using our NorCloud update & licensing service. When you receive it, please rez the Delivery Tool and the latest version will be sent to you. THE DELIVERY TOOL'S PERMISSIONS DO NOT REFLECT THE PERMISSIONS OF THE ACTUAL PRODUCT THAT IS DELIVERED TO YOU. The product's permissions are: Object is copy/modify/no transfer. Scripts are copy/no modify/no transfer. (This will make the object appear as no modify; this is due to the scripts inside only.)
The Global Vehicle HUD is a free, documented HUD for vehicles. This HUD is compatible with all GVHUD-ready vehicles. Vehicle manufacturers can also incorporate the GVHUD into their own vehicles.
This listing is for delivery of the latest version of the GVHUD. Some vehicles have a feature to deliver the GVHUD automatically on their own. This listing is only for vehicles that cannot send a GVHUD in-world.
Objects and gestures are modifiable, scripts are not modifiable.
For more information, visit:
- For more information, visit https://ntbigroup.com/GVHUD
Good product, but...
I rewirte my review.
I agree, i was a bit angry in my 1st one, and now some things changed after i bought the Paladin.
I wanted that HUD because i grabbed the OmniRay beacons at the store and wanted use it on my Hermes, and i saw that HUD could control them. I m totally lost on what is compatible with what. It is written SPT3 vehicle... but what is SPT3??? Nothing can relay that information.
One sure thing that hud cannot see the beacons, the Hermes seem not compatible too, and the beacons arent compatible with my hermes too (if not manually, but i dont want click on each beacon, that it open the truck menu 3 time of 4 click on the beacon).
Now, I bought the Paladin, and learn to use it. It is really a great HUD, and very intuitive.
I m a bit more aware on what is SPT3, i thought the Paladin was GEMC engine too, i was wrong.
But i m still a bit disappinted as that Astaro, Szym, Lusch, Gentek, NBS, and a lot other seem work together, but sometimes it seems not so together too. For example Lusch have their own HUD, i m sure it will be great if all of them could use that system with this one too. For that, I give not 5 stars.