Goblin Smiley Avatar
This avatar has been rigged for walking and standing. There may be some distortion when sitting.
Item is one piece
Comes in 3 sizes
Shape is included but make changes to suit your needs.
Use your own AO or even the default (duck walk) SL animations look good. The AO supplied is optional if you want a monster walk.
Textures included
The avatar is intended for personal use, but if builders have ideas to improve it then follow the terms below.
Terms of Service:
Do not sell this item full perm. Do not sell this item as it is. It has to be a part of your own creation. You need to put in your own work.Do not sell for less than L$50.
I grabbed a few avatars from this creator. Am happy with the quality.
This one makes me laugh.
an avatar with many body size options.well dane and looks realistic. Thank you Raya,