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Gods of Valor - Roman - Rome - Wealthy Stone Bath House Version 2



- Complete Build = 40.5m wide x 40.75m long
- Entry/Pool Side = 22.5m wide x 40.75m long
- Exercise/Sauna Side = 18m wide x 40.75m long


- With all furnishings = 399
- Without furnishings = 144

Prim Details:

- 6 Hanging Plants (6p ea)
- 10 Potted Plants (3p ea)
- 14 Small Braziers (3p ea)
- 2 Large Braziers (3p ea)
- 4 Fish Wall Fountains (8p ea)
- 1 Large Fish Fountain (13p ea)
- 1 Tall Corner Fountain (12p)
- 2 Short Side Fountains (8p ea)
- 16 Cushions (1p ea)
- 6 Door Curtains (3p ea)
- 2 Tables (2p ea)
- 12 Chairs (1p ea)


This bathhouse was created for a full sim build, it is not as cautious on its prim usage, but is still not bad for everything it includes.

First, their is an outer chamber for greeting bathers with 2 small looking pools and running gold encrusted fish water fountains. This room leads to the large swim area or to the exercise room.

In the large swim area, we see the light beams cascading down from the domed open ceiling as they kiss the golden fish fountains with running water. Their is the main pool and the 2 smaller pools that can be opened up to see what's going on in the lobby. A separate seating area with table, for those who wish a light repast while others swim, is included.

In the exercise room, a feature that was pivotal in historical roman bathhouses, we find the wrestling pitt complete with fresh soft dirt for your guests.

Behind the exercise room are two segregated saunas with outer chambers with warming braziers. Segregation of rich and poor was a way of life in Ancient Rome.


I've built a new customer support system into the website. Please, for us both to keep track, go to, join the site and use the support tools provided there. Search the Knowledge-base, the answer you seek may be waiting for you there.


Don't miss my blog where I post helpful articles about building sims and little things to know about building or ideas for recruiting or running a happy group etc.


The forums include a great deal of historical information and all role-play sims are welcome to use it for their group. Contact me (Filipa Thespian) and I'll set you up with a section of the boards, just for your adventure.



Before beginning any of the structures I present to you for your role-play environments, I put a lot of time into researching the history or lore of the genre for which I am building.

The Roman Senate Building, for example, I researched photos from every angle I could, looked up official recreations and real photos of what's left today. From all this, I extrapolated and recreated the wall and floor textures that adorn the interior of the first floor. The structure itself, VERY closely resembles any photo of the Senate building you might find.


While great attention to detail and research into history was done, it is not always possible to make something completely exact to reality here in SL. Prims and physical dimensions will always impact things built here in SL.

The Ludus Spartacus, for example, in the Starz show Spartacus, the ludus is MUCH bigger and grander than what I could realistically provide for a sim here in SL. I needed to curtail how many rooms and how vast it was so that it was playable here in world.


Thank you again for purchasing one of my creations. I hope you'll visit the Gods of Valor website where you'll find detailed research forums for history and lore as well as my blog posts with advice on sim design and creation, managing lag and even attracting and keeping active players.

Happy role-play!

All my best,
Filipa Thespian,
Gods of Valor

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  • RP Tested
  • Roleplayer Approved
  • Built with RP spaces in mind!
  • Kool Door Ready

L$ 1,600

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Gods of Valor
Gods of Valor
Sold by: Filipa Thespian

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Land Impact: 144