Golden Wedding Grand Piano, Black Edition, 100% Mesh.
The perfect add-on for any SL wedding, you don't need to miss this!
The piano has a play button, when clicked it plays the song from Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy - Wedding March (2:30 minutes). There is also a piano-play animation included for the wedding pianist. The shadow effect gives it a more realistic look.The size of the piano is normal: 3,3x4.6m.
The land-impact is only 12, that means 12 prims.
Permissions are set to no copy no modify no transfer.
The piano is available in 3 other colors, check related items for more!
PLEASE NOTE: you need a mesh compatible viewer to be able to see this object
no copie
at this price and with the bugs if it should be redelivered otherwise it the good except that we can lose it at any time 300 ls lost