The DEMO for the Rosary Choker. Try the demo before purchasing the full version to ensure either the Legacy^, Reborn^, Maitreya, or the unrigged versions fit your shape. No refunds on the full version are allowed for any reason other than a double purchase, so try this one.
PLEASE NOTE The Maitreya DEMO due to cosmic interference does not work the HUD, however, it works with the HUD in the full version.
Inspired by antique Catholic rosaries, the Rosary Choker will have you saying your novenas while making a fashion-forward statement with this necklace. I can only guarantee your fashion salvation! ;)
Comes with a HUD to change the pearls (Standard, Black, Rosé, and Champagne) and the metals (Gold, Black, Rose, and Silver).
Comes fitted to the Legacy^, eBody^, and Maitreya bodies. The unrigged version has modify permissions in order to ensure a custom fit on other bodies and the classic sl av.
100% original mesh, materials enabled.
^Fits all female bodies and add-ons, please try demo to ensure fit.