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Gothic drawbridge Version V 1.1

Gothic drawbridge
Gothic drawbridge
0 Reviews

perms = COPY MOD noTRANS
foot print = 25 x 60 meters
prims = 44 (without bench, each bench is 3 prims)

This pack include:
- Drawbridge with 3 stairs (up to 25 m from the ground), 20 m of wide bridge (open in 2 parts with the central control or by click on the doors/bridge)
- Wood pier
- 6 lamps (linked to the bridge)
- 1 torch (copyable). Turn off/on by say in local chat: torch on / torch off
- 1 park bench (copyable) with multiposes

Rezz system: click the box for rezz it (select REZ), rotate or move your box for place in the right way the bridge finally click again the box and click DONE for remove the rezz script, you done, delete the rezz box.

NOTE: you will need terraform your land for place it (if need help call me!)

If you have some question i glad to help you, drop me a notecard:
rokoloco72 Zapatero

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L$ 400

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RKTF design
RKTF design
Sold by: rokoloco72 Zapatero

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This item will be delivered directly to you or a friend in Second Life, unpacked and ready to use. No land or sandbox required.

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  • Copy
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  • User Licensed
Automatic redelivery
Land Impact: 44