G General

Grand Manor Fireplace with animation

Grand Manor Fireplace with animation

Grand Manor Fireplace. Of the finest carved wood. Give you're home a touch of class and grandess.

Touch the Fireplace to activate an animation of you're avatar rubbing their hards in front of the fire.

Visit Kaya Design to see more in SL

Kaya Design, Kaya Furniture, Period Furniture, Vintage Furniture, Castle Furniture, Medievil Furniture, Modern Furniture, Gothic Furniture, Victorian Furniture, Study Furniture, Bookcase, Books, Chandelier, Lighting, Standard Lamps, Wall Lights, Lamps, Table, Chairs, Beds, Fireplace, Leather Chairs, Sofa, Drinks Cabnet, Cabnet, Victorian Painting, Throne, Free Furniture, Parlour, Dessing Table, Mirror, Globe, Dart Board, Snooker Table, Desk, candelabra, Candel, Shaieslong, Elegant Furniture, Coffee Table, Purple Rose,

See item in Second Life
  • Sit on item and watch as your avatar warms their hands by the fire