G General

Grapes Sacks & Crates

Grapes Sacks & Crates

A set of sculpted and custom textured sacks and crates with richly textured grapes.Includes a large sack,a couple of sacks and a couple of crates,all open or partially open to show the fruits inside.

Perfect for agricultural environments,farmers & farming, fully copiable and modifiable.

Grapes Sack,Large: 4 Prims
Grapes Sacks: 6 Prims
Grapes Crates: 5 Prims

Trident has been designing and creating ancient and medieval builds since 2007. The inspiration for our work comes from our passion for medieval reenactment and research of historic houses, ships, furniture, jewelry and clothing.

Trident builds are fully supported and continually updated to increase detail and reduce prim count making use of custom sculpts and texturing, and unique scripts and animations.

Laufey Markstein
July 2010
Updated January 2011

See item in Second Life