Greeting Card Just because with personal message
![Greeting Card Just because with personal message](
You're someone
Very Special
In my life
Just wanted
To make sure
You knew.
Add Your Own Personal Message!
A FunArt Greeting Card;it opens, it poofs and plays a sound.Add Your Own personal message it's so simple, rezz the card type your message in chat hit enter, click yes to confirm and your Card is ready to be send.
Receiver will view Your message when opening the card.
On touch it opens and plays the sound;I love you with a very cute voice When opened flowers and hearts pop out of the card.It will show your personal message in chat.
FunArt Greeting Cards are great gifts for your loved ones and made only with unique quality textures and sounds edited and uploaded from photoshop and audacity.
Also available without personal message for a lower price.
See me and other cards at the main shop.
Visit the New Main Shop for the complete collection
Or View all my items here;
Tags; Card Wish Card Present Gift Cute Poof Friend friends Care Wishes Wedding Birthday Celebration Anniversary Valentine Romance Romantic Love Rezzday
I just love this card - not the last I buy of those