⸱⸫⸭ Gulabi - Apsara Dress ⸭⸫⸱
Committed to draping you in some of our finest fabrics and choicest precious stones, we bring to you the masterfully crafted Apsara Dress.
FATPACK Features
· HUD to choose between 39 assorted preset looks, 30 fabric colours, 42 different gemstones with the ability to selectively apply colours to different gem groups on the dress.
· Apsara Dress in 16 sizes
· Hide certain gem groups for a more subtle yet elegant look, or restore the dress to its full glory.
· Switch between solid fabric and transparent sheer.
· Apsara Dress in 16 sizes
· Hide certain gem groups for a more subtle yet elegant look, or restore the dress to its full glory.
· Switch between solid fabric and transparent sheer.
║ Tailored for
║ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
║ ◦ Inithium Kupra
║ ◦ Maitreya Lara · Lara Petite · Lara Flat Chest
║ ◦ Belleza Freya · Isis · Venus
║ ◦ Slink Physique Hourglass · Original
║ ◦ eBODY Curvy · Classic
║ ◦ Signature Alice
║ ◦ Dev Fitness Nana 1.6 (BoM version)
║ ◦ Sking Katena Regular (BOM Body Version 1) · Amasonia 2.0
║ ◦ Legacy Legacy · Legacy Perky
Advanced Lighting Model - Enable
Advanced Lighting Model is highly recommended for the gemstones on the dress to shine. The gems dazzle brilliantly in well-lit scenes.
Gulābi products are 100% original mesh designs.
Thank you for your purchase from Gulābi! We hope you enjoy it. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to get in touch with Tallux. ☺
Phenomenally Stunning With Just One Tiny Problem
I love this dress, truly I do. It's one of the most amazing creations I've ever found on here, and I don't regret getting it at all. The only reason that this review is four instead of five stars is because I can't wear this dress anymore. It's not fitted for LaraX or eBody Reborn, which breaks my heart because I don't know if I would ever take it off if I could wear it with either of my updated bodies. I wouldn't even hesitate to buy it again as a fatpack specifically for those bodies. Sadly, it seems like there are no plans to update this, or even release new items for the newer bodies anymore. So it seems like this absolutely gorgeous dress will stay languishing in my Not Updated items folder... I really wish it was updated for Reborn, I miss being able to wear something this amazing... And I hate that I can't bring myself to give this five stars because of it.
Absolutely gorgeous dress!
Still love it as much as I did when I first got it, and would love to see this dress made into a long, floor-length gown!
Need Belleza GenX Classic and Curvy Updates!
Love this dress to bits!
One of the only dresses I'll still wear legacy for
This dress may not yet be updated to Reborn (Which I'm still hoping for, one of these days), but it's still one of the most gorgeous and amazing dresses I have EVER purchased!
Best Dress I Have Ever Purchased
Holy smokes. The quality of this item is amazing! You can tell a LOT of work went into making it. The dress itself is one of the most detailed clothing items I've seen, all the little gems and intricate patterns... The HUD is VERY good, intuitive, you can customize everything to your heart's content, but it also comes with a big selection of beautiful presets. Item folder is nicely organized into subfolders for different body types, comes with a texture with a guide for the HUD. If I could give more than 5 stars I would. Thank you!
Still to this day I adore this dress both on the eBody curvy and Legacy bodies. I do hope this can be updated to the eBody reborn in the future <3