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[H] Balloons Chair (Hearts)

[H] Balloons Chair (Hearts)
[H] Balloons Chair (Hearts)
0 Reviews

Eyecandy - nice looking detailed balloons chair in hearts style, comfortable, perfect for decorate any kind partys, valentines. birthdays, holydays, new years or just using it as furniture for themed or non themed lands.

Color changeable - there is script inside you can choose from some predefined colors, but if you need more color options you can set every balloon separately (every balloon have a separate face).

Sittable for two people.

Texture changeable - there is 25 chair textures.

Two options with floating in air animation and without.

Low prim - balloons chair eats only 5 prims.

User friendly - balloons are copy and modify (scripts are not modify).

You can remove scripts from inside to get -1 prim.

See item in Second Life

L$ 299

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Sold by: Serbitar Nemeth

Unpacking Required

This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.

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