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.:HA:./Laminar: Echo Version 1.02

.:HA:./Laminar: Echo

Husky Aviation/Laminar Systems .:HA:. Echo


A modern and versatile take on adventure. The Echo takes on the role as an easy to learn fun to master aircraft that opens access to the grid over land, air and sea. As an amphibious craft you can take off from your favorite airport, navigate through mountainous regions or the beautiful ocean fronts and end your flight docked at your Bellisseria house boat.


The aircraft package includes:

.:HA:. Echo

.:HA:. Echo Hud

.:HA:. Echo Pilot Operation Handbook

Echo Texture Changer




Modify and Copy Permissions: Your plane, your rules! We have included a maintenance mode which allows you to replace textures, add custom meshes to the aircraft and add scripts however you see fit!


Cockpit touch controls: While a HUD is included it is not necessary. The cockpit controls: Lights, flaps, gear and engine starter all from mouse look with instruments onboard informing speed, altitude, engine RPM and pitch.


Fully animated cockpit instruments


Folding wings for storage


Tail number changer built in: No texturing necessary for custom tail numbers - Enter a command, fill in your desired tail number and color to display


Pilot/Copilot hand over


Fully animated control surfaces:







Nose Wheel



66 Prims/ 58.0 Land impact


A special thanks to everyone involved!

Tank Kwaszes for letting the Echo be his final project on SL

Neko2479 Skydancer for bug testing

Monster Vile

ZoraSlade Karu

Seb Serenity

Ariseviper Waifu

Warship Waifu

Karl Reisman

For your support, input and guidance


As this is Tank Kwaszes/Laminar Systems final project on SecondLife, updates to the Echo will be limited to major bug fixes. No new features will be added.

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  • Easy to fly
  • Fully animated, interactive cockpit
  • Fully customizable
  • Amphibious capable
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I so LOVE Echo !!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted March 09, 2025 by Bee Aurelia

First, I want to say how much I enjoy flying the Echo!! It's a fantastic and versatile aircraft, perfect for adventures in the air, and on water. The attention to detail, interactive cockpit, and customization options makes it a top-tier flying experience in Second Life. I have a small request for a future update. Since the Echo is designed for amphibious operations, it is often used at marinas and docks. However, once parked, there is currently no way to move in reverse, making it difficult to exit tight spaces. I understand that this model of aircraft does not have reverse movement in real life, but in Second Life, this feature would be extremely helpful and would greatly improve maneuverability on water. Thank you if considering this request, and I truly appreciate the effort you put into creating such a great aircraft!

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Looks good
full star full star full star empty star empty star Posted January 08, 2025 by BlueAplysia

It looks good but that's about it.
Too expensive for what it is.

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An awesome modern pocket-sized seaplane!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted December 13, 2024 by JamesWolfeyes

I've been waiting quite a while for this little sporty seaplane to be released and now it's finally out! Was it worth the wait? Absolutely, but there's a few things to keep in mind.

First, its sporty design makes it look like it should be fast but surprisingly it isn't: it's really just a leisure cruiser like the previous review said. I admit that I felt a little bit underwhelmed at first since it seemed like quite a weird decision... until I found out that the RL plane it is based on actually has similar specs, and so the creator was just respecting said specs when he created this plane in SL. I like realism, so I can't blame the creator for doing exactly that!

Besides SL doesn't handle fast vehicles well at all, and so after spending more time in the air with this plane it truly grew on me. It really flies smoothly and crosses sims like a dream, and once you get used to its little quirks such as having to be more heavy on the throttle than usual compared to other planes, or the fact that you MUST NOT use flaps at all for taking off or it will make it extremely hard to take it off the ground/sea (I made that mistake at first!), it is a really enjoyable and relaxing experience both in third and first person view.

Also bonus points for the plane being mod AND also resizable! If the stock size is too small for your avatar, just activate maintenance mode and resize it as big as you need it to be, nothing will be broken which is pretty damn rare! And the customer service is also great too.

TL;DR: If you are looking for a cool modern seaplane, easy to fly yet realistic, for exploring and cruising around casually, and small enough to be kept at home (It can even fit in a garage thanks to its foldable wings!), it is the perfect plane for you and is truly worth the price!
Just don't expect it to be fast like a jet or a stunt plane, it isn't one at all so don't let its sporty design fool you, otherwise you might be disappointed.

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Love this little plane!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted December 05, 2024 by Marborro

Such a fun little leisurely cruiser. Unlike Bentleywolves review I understand this plane is not a performance oriented plane but a leisure craft not meant for high speed or steep climbing and finds just with full throttle it climbs on it's own fast enough for the type of craft it is. Controlling the plane is smooth, sim crosses quite nicely, can fit this little plane into a car garage if you really wanted.

Would be cool if you could trailer it behind a vehicle like a Paladin just as you can with the real life plane but everybody knows how messy trailers are in SL. Technically you could by linking it to a trailer for a Paladin but getting it back off would be a problem with the limits of SL.

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Long wait
full star full star full star empty star empty star Posted November 27, 2024 by Bentleywolves

pros and cons

pro, the plane is textured nicely and it well scripted.

con, slow, dose not fly high and is small

I have waiting over a year for this plane to be released, it is a nice plane i do like how it looks, it is modifiable, but i find it slow compared to the other planes i own from them. even when resized, it takes longer and it struggles to even get up when on full throttle and flaps are exstended

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This is my first review for this plane
full star full star full star full star full star Posted November 11, 2024 by Aogashima Astral

This plane are easy Learning curves for the Pilot that Like to fly around SL. for the Dedicated Seaplanes in SL Seas. This is my first Review that has Emoji Included.

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