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HEC - JILL WetAware Tintable Bikini (PLAIN PACK) 00P Version 1.0

HEC - JILL WetAware Tintable Bikini (PLAIN PACK) 00P

Please try the demo first. No refunds for fitting issues!

To see the garment in all its glory, enable Advanced Lighting Model (ALM) in the Graphics preferences of your viewer and switch on the lights of the room you are in (or use the included "Body Light Bundle for ALM Testing"). More info: https://goo.gl/1j6945

_______ N O T E _______

For fitting/visual issues, see [ FIT ] section, below.
For help with the HUD, see [ HUD DRIVEN ] section, below.

▄▄ [ FEATURES] ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄

Original Textures

Detailed, tintable fabric allowing unlimited colors, multiple glow levels, full-bright on/off, and water interactivity with both Linden & prim water (see below).


This product is WetAware Enabled, getting wet in the water and optionally drip-drying out of the water. Use the extra WetAware HUD to adjust the drying time, to turn on/off the drying and/or the dripping, to fixate wet or dry looks, and much more. Use the included WetAware PRIM-WATER Extension to make your prim-water WetAware READY (with the added bonus of also making it swimmable via freely available Swim HUDs).

Read online the Full Docs: https://bit.ly/2HIKZ2Q

_______ N O T E _______

The WetAware PRIM-WATER Extension is NOT available in the demo version. It is included in the regular version, or you may get it as group-gift in-world.

▄▄ [ FIT for MESH AVATARS ] ▄▄


This item is worn as one piece. Designed for the following branded mesh female avatars: Belleza (F/I/V, natural breasts), Maitreya (Lara), Slink (P/H)!

* Shape adjustments may be necessary!

_______ N O T E _______


Being WetAware Enabled, this item uses semi-sheer textures (especially for the wet looks) meaning it is set to "alpha blend mode". It may not show through other semi-sheer items, or it may hide semi-sheer items worn under it (like tattoos for example), or it may cause a hallow outline around overlapping semi-sheer hair.

This is a known problem with SL's graphics engine. It may be solved if you set 1 of the 2 conflicting items to "alpha mask mode". If the other items offer you such a choice, try setting those to "mask mode".

For fitting/visual issues on mesh bodies, you may try any or all of the following:
• take off any body Physics you may wear.
• hide/take off or set to mask-mode other sheer items (tattoos, hair, sheer garment, etc)
• make shape adjustments to the offending spots of your body

▄▄ [ HUD DRIVEN ] ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄

This item includes a regular HUD and a WetAware HUD.

WetAware HUD
To have your item always wet, set AUTO DRY to OFF(wet). To have it always dry, set AUTO DRY to OFF(dry). To make it water interactive again, set DRIPPING to AUTOSENSE.

See the online docs for all WetAware options: https://bit.ly/2XNTuz9

Regular HUD (Universal)
To process a part of the item individually, first activate it at the top of the HUD (its text label will turn green).

Use the ALL button to process everything at once.

Endless tinting is achieved via either the color palette (hue & saturation) and the vertical slider (brightness), or any of the 17 preset basic web colors, or any of the colors you have already saved in the Saved Colors swatches. The Current Color preview swatch also works as a colorization button. To reset the active part to its original tint, click on the Reset button located right below the vertical slider.

The Fullbright button works as an On/Off switch for the active part (you may have to click twice).

The Glow buttons offer 5 levels of glowing (including "no glow", the black button).

See also the included 'HEC - Sample Universal HUD Quick Help' nc and the 'Sample Universal HUD Visual Guide' picture (the HUD may look different, but the general functionality remains the same).

▄▄ [ MATERIALS ] ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄

This is a Materials Enabled, 100% mesh item. It looks best with ALM enabled in the Graphics preferences of your viewer.

▄▄ [ INCLUDED ] ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄

• HEC WetAware HUD - to be used with any of the included sizes
• HEC Universal HUD - to be used with any of the included sizes
• HEC Sample Universal HUD Quick Help - helpful nc to get the most out of the HUD.
• HEC Sample Universal HUD Visual Guide - supporting texture for better understanding the HUD (your HUD may look different, but the functionality remains exactly the same)

• Body Light Bundle for ALM Testing (unpack separately) - 3 body-lights for testing HEC apparel when ALM is enabled in the Graphics preferences of your viewer.

• 3 Belleza sizes (natural breasts) - Freya, Isis, Venus
• 1 Maitreya size - Lara
• 2 Slink Physique sizes - Original, Hourglass

*** In all cases, shape adjustments may be necessary
All vendor pictures depict items as they appear in Second Life, with the ALM setting enabled in the Graphics preferences of our selected viewer.

Thank you, and if you like the product, give it a review. It's greatly appreciated!

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  • Water Interactive (WetAware)
  • Original Textures
  • Materials Enabled
  • Unlimited Colors
  • HUD Driven