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HEC - PATTI Animated Bunny Headband (01) Version 1.0

HEC - PATTI Animated Bunny Headband (01)

Please try the demo first (4 color variants out of 20). No refunds for fitting issues!

flickr ad: https://flic.kr/p/2oo8kfE
Textures HUD: https://gyazo.com/f612935216316e9f8c95b85437a3e1ed
Pose & Anim HUD: https://gyazo.com/3453b70e2dc5cbc8ecdd189593af595d

To see the item in all its glory, enable Advanced Lighting Model (ALM) in the Graphics preferences of your viewer and switch on the lights of the room (or use the included "Body Light Bundle for ALM Testing"). More info: https://goo.gl/1j6945

________ N O T E ________
For fit/visual issues, read [ FIT ] section, below.
For help with the HUDs, read [ HUD DRIVEN ] section, below.

▄▄ [ FEATURES] ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄

Detailed textures with 20 color variants (including Easter, Christmas and St. Patrick's day colors). Studded or plain band. Adjustable materials (gloss and environment). Posed & animated per ear or as a pair (5 static poses, 5 quick gestures, 4 cyclic sets). Resizable.

▄▄ [ FIT for ALL AVATARS ] ▄▄

The headband is unrigged so it can fit any avatar. Click on it for the Resizing menu. Use standard SL Editing for re-positioning (right-click on headband, choose Edit, then move it with the colored arrows).

▄▄ [ HUD DRIVEN ] ▄▄

PATTI comes with 2 HUDs: one for texturing, one for posing & animating. They can minimize by clicking on their HEC logo (note that the textures HUD gets minimized at the bottom of the screen).

___ Textures HUD ___

The STUDDED and PLAIN sections contain 20 color variants for a studded or a plain band, respectively. Each type comes with 4 whites, 5 blacks, 5 browns, 3 greens and 3 reds. The colors on the right hand side inside the thumbs refer to the inner ear.

If the ALM setting is enabled in your viewer preferences, you can also adjust the MATERIALS. Just make sure you use the Gloss, Bright and Reflect sliders that match the currently shown texture type (Studded or Plain). Materials are more profound with darker colors, high graphics and at least 2 light sources in the scene (try them with the included HEC body lights, which is a separate box)

The Gloss slider controls the amount of the shininess, while the Bright slider controls its intensity. The Reflect slider controls the environment reflectivity on the item, though SL does not support true reflections yet.

N O T E : When changing the texture type (Studded or Plain), it inherits the Materials of the previously worn type. Feel free to re-adjust for the currently shown texture type.

The Fullbright button works as an On/Off switch, turning red when off and green when on (N O T E that fullbright degrades the textures quality and it mutes the materials).

___ Pose & Anim HUD ___

The POSES lets you statically pose the ears, either as a pair by clicking the thumb pictures, or each ear separately by clicking their L or R buttons.

The QUICK GESTURES are short animations meant to express your current mood, or just be funny. Again, you can either animate both ears at the same time by clicking the thumb pictures, or each ear separately by clicking their L or R buttons.

The CYCLIC SETS are slow animations that repeat until you hit the STOP button or choose a Gesture animation. They are meant to make the ears look a bit more realistic, by moving them every now and then. You can have one Cyclic Set active at any given time, but you can change them on the fly (without needing to stop the current set first). The big Play button moves the ears every 5 secs, while the 2x and 4x buttons move them every 2.5 and 1.25 secs, respectively.

Choosing a static pose while a Cyclic Set is playing it will briefly pose the ears and continue playing the Cyclic Set.

▄▄ [ MATERIALS ] ▄▄▄

This is a Materials Enabled, 100% mesh item. It looks best with ALM enabled in the Graphics preferences of your viewer.

▄▄ [ INCLUDED ] ▄▄▄

• HEC Textures HUD
• HEC Pose & Anim HUD
• 1 Unrigged Bunny Hedband (click on it to resize it)

• Body Light Bundle for ALM Testing (unpack it separately) - 3 body-lights for testing HEC apparel when ALM is enabled in the Graphics preferences of your viewer.

*** In all cases, shape adjustments may be necessary
All vendor pictures are genuine representations of the depicted items as they appear in Second Life, using the ALM setting in the Graphics preferences.

Thank you, and if you like the product, give it a review. It's greatly appreciated.

  • Unrigged (click on it to Resize it)
  • Animated (Pair or each ear separately)
  • Studded or Plain band (20 color variants each)
  • Adjustable Materials (Gloss, Bright, Reflect)
  • HUD Driven