14 Chain link fences, some with barbed wire...some with rust. all are darn near perfect textures! I had no idea some of you might want the chain link texture with no posts, but after getting the 1st review from Tmos (see below) I sent them to him and added both the rusty and new version of the chain link with no posts to the pack. Thanks for the suggestion, Tmos...enjoy!
NOT FOR RESALE!!! Your purchase indicates that you agree not to redistribute any of my textures as textures.
Awesome collection of fences. I like the variety in styles to make things more realistic. It also allows me multiple styles of builds and that means variety for my customers. Thanks for the great textures once again. 5 stars.
updated review... The pak was lacking a fundamental texture, the basic chain link without posts. Shortly after I posted my 1st review the creator sent me those textures in world. I got to say I am impressed. I don't have any reservation about buying more textures from this creator. 6 Stars!!!