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Halloween Mesh Male Hoody Sweater (15 diff looks in scripted texture changing hud) .:: EON ::.

Halloween Mesh Male Hoody Sweater (15 diff looks in scripted texture changing hud) .:: EON ::.

Mesh Hoody With Texture Changeing HUD 15 Halloween Styles

A full mesh hoody sweater with a texture changing hud means you get 15 Halloween styled mood smileys to choose from in just one sweater. Perfect to show your mood or as a fun way to "tell" something. The hoody comes in a neutral colored autum style and can be used as just a normal hoody or with the smiley on stomach as you choose.

The Mesh Hoody comes in 5 sizes: XS, S, M, L, XL, Alpha Layer + the seperate color change hud

OBS be sure to test the DEMO before buy
Demo comes with 3 sizes: XS, M, XL and a Alpha Layer and have the hud linked to the hoody for you to test.

  • Mesh Hoody Sweater
  • Halloween style
  • Texture Changing Hud
  • 15 halloween styled smileys
  • Nice Price
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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Cool Shirt!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted October 11, 2012 by MermiXa Mixmaster

funny smileys

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