Hanging Vines Long Fall Pack
Very large planes with some slight curves and a high quality clean texture.
The vines are most suitable for covering cliff faces or high walls.
LI = 1 for varying sizes. Large will go over 16 meters in length
Many variations included
Linking parts may reduce Land Impact
Full perm, including textures
Terms of Service:
Full perm items may be sold as copy or transfer under the following conditions:
1. There needs to be significant changes made. It must look very different to the original item
2. It can be added without changes to your own major work (not just a pot or prim etc.).
My items are not to be sold full perm
My items are not to be sold at less than L$50.
This item is User Licensed and therefore subject to a DMCA action if the ToS is infringed.
See item in Second Lifegreat
again a lovely Pack full of nice hanging Vine and be happy to got this now for Fall too!!