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Harm's Way Laurie in pink

Harm's Way Laurie in pink

The Laurie outfit includes; rigged mesh skirt, blouse in 3 kids sizes(please try demo to make sure it works for your avatar). Also includes texture change mesh bonnet and boots, long johns and modifiable alpha layer and textures.
The skirt has four interchangeable textures for the skirt and 3 for the belt. Just click the belt buckle of the skirt to bring up the pop up menu, from it you can choose the texture on the skirt, the skirt ruffle and the belt.
The bonnet has 12 textures, to change the texture or the size just touch it and bring up the pop up menu.
The rigged mesh boots are also texture change. Just touch the boots to bring up the texture and size change menu.
If you have any issues or questions just IM.
Thanks, Harm

L$ 199

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Harm's Way
Sold by: Harmini Idlemind

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Mesh: 100% Mesh