Howdy and welcome to Harm's Way!
The Zeke outfit includes 5 texture change rigged mesh vest with bandolier belts in five standard mesh sizes,chap/pants combination in four standard sizes(chaps are not texture change),rigged mesh boots,non rigged mesh belt and non rigged mesh headband that is texture change, texture change HUD,non mesh plaid shirt in 5 colors on jacket layer and alpha layers with full perm alpha textures.
To change the textures on the vest and bandolier just where the texture change HUD or when you are wearing the hair select it in your inventory and right click and choose touch and bring up the pop up menu. The vest is mod in case you would like to delete the scripts.
Just touch the headband to bring up the texture and size change menu. This will also work with the texture change hud, just hit the resync button and choose Headband from the pop up menu.
Harm's Way Zeke in red
