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[Harshlands] Fire Pit

[Harshlands] Fire Pit
[Harshlands] Fire Pit
1 Review

Harshlands presents:

- Fire Pit -

This is a multi seat decoration. Up to six avatars can sit on it.
The Fire Pit features glowing embers and light smoke emission, as well as three different texture patterns.

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  • Original Mesh
  • Six Seats with animations
  • Glowing Embers and Smoke
  • Three Textures
  • Materials enhanced
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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  • 1 star:
Great Value But
full star full star full star full star full star Posted December 01, 2022 by Farthington Whetmore

I bought this knowing the issues that I am about to mention as I went to see it in world. I bought this item because it was just what I was looking for.

But know this, there is NO FIRE so you will have to add your own. The "glowing embers" is a poor unrealistic animation that slowly and uniformly fades in and out instead of a more rapid and erratic glow. And the 3 streams of smoke coming from the pit looks like they should be coming off the end of a cigarette and they amusingly puff in an out in unison. Luckily they are modifiable Particle Laboratory scripts so you can modify and reposition to your liking or just remove them and reclaim 3 prims as I have done.

The worst thing about this item is that other than the floor, its phantom so you can walk though the fire pit and bench wall. But you can easily solve this by adding a couple of invisible prims.

The best thing about this item is that for only L$299 you get a great looking, relatively low prim, interactive piece that sits 6 that will look fantastic in any RP sim! So if you don't mind tweaking it a bit, this is a great buy!

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L$ 299

Adding to cart as gift


Sold by: Kadaj Yoshikawa

Land Required

This item requires that you have access to land in Second Life in order to use it.

  • Copy
  • Modify
  • Transfer
  • User Licensed
Automatic redelivery
Mesh: 100% Mesh
Land Impact: 16