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Haunted Floating Books Great for Halloween

Haunted Floating Books Great for Halloween

Watch as these haunting books slowly float around in a circle pattern. Perfect for Halloween or haunted houses.

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted January 02, 2024 by Raven Atheria

I love these floating books. I had gotten a different one from a different creator and they ended up not being good. Found these on the Marketplace and they are WONDERFUL!!! Highly recommend 100%

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full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted September 23, 2017 by TVT Allen

I find it a little expensive, for a stuff that we swing, two seconds after its shopping, because it is pretty pretty near bravo, but the problem is that as we move away a little texture leaves and this makes books half done rather gray, short ugly. I do not advise you, but good mesh is light in prims, but it is not always the top.

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