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Hephaestus Obsydian Temple

Hephaestus Obsydian Temple

This Hephaestus Obsydian Temple has 9 levels, the elevator can carry 8 passengers plus the operator, the temple is quite big you will need at least a quarter of a sim , 3 parts are made of sculpts , the elevator is a sitbased one , so no collisions are generated.

Included in this pack:
- Hephaestus Obsydian Temple (rezzer)
- Elevator
- Lm of my store
- This note

Not included:
- Furnitures

Prims: 209

Size: 105m x 85m x 175m (heigh), it fits well on a quarter of a sim

Installation :
Just rezz the Temple (rezzer) in the center of your parcel (preferably a quarter of a sim) click it and select build, then when its done you could move or rotate the temple by moving or rotate the rezzer if you need so.
When your satisfy with the position, to lock it in place clic the box and select done,doing that will remove position scripts in the build so you will no longer be able to move it with the rezzer,and after clicking done you could hide or delete the rezzer. After you will need to rezz the Temple Elevator near a calling station in the center of the temple, then just clic on the top of the call station the elevator platform will move in the center of it , elevator is ready to use. If you ever need to remove the temple just clic on the rezzer and select clean.

Using the elevator:
The operator must sit first in order to receive the elevator menu, then passenger could sit, to sit on the elevator platform just right-clic the platform and select in the pie menu ''ride lift'', then the operator select destination in the menu. if the elevator platform is on an other level than you , just clic the top of the calling pole at your level, that will call the platform.

If you like my builds i would greatly appreciate that you take some of your time to post a review.

Have fun with it, for support just send me an IM

Carl Landfall
Incubo Design

  • Huge base (105m x 85m x 175m (heigh))
  • Elevator Included (sit based so no lag due to collisions)
  • 9 elevator stations
  • 3 parts are made in sculpt
  • Fits on a quarter of a sim 16384 sqm