Higgledy Piggledy Fence Set - Rough - by Weather! or not?
!Weather or Not? proudly presents the 'Higgledypiggledy Fence Set'. Highly detailed sculpties modeled on intersecting layers of planks to make a rustic style fence, high quality textures and very low prim design would make these a fantastic addition to your build. Various length pieces, multiple intersecting angles, endpieces are all 1 prim pieces, a working gate is also included (it is 2 prims). This set includes 9 pieces.
All components are COPY permissive so you can rez as many of each part as you'd like, most components are also mod permissive so you are able to adjust them to suit your individual needs.
This set includes..
<!WorN?> Higgledypiggledy Fence -rough -4piece
<!WorN?> Higgledypiggledy Fence -rough -3piece
<!WorN?> Higgledypiggledy Fence -rough -2piece
<!WorN?> Higgledypiggledy Fence -rough -1piece
<!WorN?> Higgledypiggledy Fence -rough -10
<!WorN?> Higgledypiggledy Fence -rough -20
<!WorN?> Higgledypiggledy Fence -rough -30
<!WorN?> Higgledypiggledy Fence -rough -40
<!WorN?> Higgledypiggledy Fence -rough -gate
Note: Scripted items with movement may need to be reset when moved in order to operate from their new position. To do this simply select the item then choose Tools (menu) -> Reset Scripts in Selection.
Further Monday & Fang Roffo
Weather! or not?
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