Part of Umbra75's
(Background for RP use...)
The High Priests of Cothn'lok, from a tribe on planet Kie'ik, wear this uniform (with or without other clothing of their choosing) almost constantly; removing it only for bathing, other personal activities, and for its washing.
Each High Priest has at least two neck-linens, so that one may be worn while the other is being attended to.
While performing any ritual, or preceding over any great ceremony, they wear this piece alone. No other clothing adorns them at those times.
This is due to their belief that there is greater communion with all things beyond this realm, when there are fewer items between the Priests and the powers that be.
The collar piece represents their servitude to their beliefs. The cloth represents their fluid movement between the spirit realms, and their own physical one. The absence of other clothing, during rituals and other religious rites, represents their openness to be vessels of the great spirits they communicate with; the secret powers that they believe flow through them during those times; and their connection to all things, without obstruction, in those moments.
3 Prims
Attaches to "Chest" on Shape Avatars, but can be resized and linked to, or used by, Prim or Mesh Avatars.
Though mainly a Furry accessory, this may be worn by nearly any avatar; and by either male or female avatars.