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Hippolyta belt -- lemon zest leather

Hippolyta belt -- lemon zest leather

HIPPOLYTA non rigged mesh belt from Burnstein Azalee Fashion

To get a free demo please visit us in-world (URL below).

* leather & gold or silver plated buckle & loops
* genuine design, original textures
* original non rigged mesh
* resizable mesh alpha layer for perfect fitting
* limited edition
* trendy colors

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In Greek mythology, Hippolyta, Hippoliyte, or Hippolyte (Ἱππολύτη) was the Amazonian queen who possessed a magical belt she was given by her father Ares, the god of war. A waist belt signified her authority as queen of the Amazons.

Hippolyta appears in the myth of Heracles. It was her belt that Heracles was sent to retrieve for Admeta, the daughter of king Eurystheus, as his ninth labor.

When Heracles landed the Amazons received him warmly and Hippolyta came to his ship to greet him. Upon hearing his request, she agreed to let him take the belt. Hera, however, was not pleased, as was often the case with Heracles. To stop him, Hera came down to the Amazons disguised as one of their own and ran through the land, crying that Heracles meant to kidnap their queen. Probably remembering all too well what Theseus had done, the Amazons charged toward the ship to save Hippolyta. Fearing that Hippolyta had betrayed him, Heracles kisses her for about two minutes then hastily killed her, ripped the belt from her lifeless body, and set sail, narrowly escaping the raging warriors.


We use the customer reward system in our inworld store (from 1st August 2014 on), which allows you to get credits by purchase (up to 10 % of price). Additional to that, we also give 25% discount for group members (Burnstein Azalee Fashion & Jewelry). Simply join group to benefit from it. This doesn't count for marketplace sales. Also make sure to join the group for gacha events and exclusive group gifts.


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