[House of Ruby] Dress to get... Undressed...Presenting you playful & sexy leggings for Him. Shiny effect leather is perfect for partying!
2 versions included: Leggins with shorts & without (just sheer tights & knee leather part) if you want to add your own mesh underwear on top.
Pack includes:
-> Classic avatar layers (can be used for BOM - bake on mesh);
-> Omega appliers.
It means you have to have mesh body and Omega kit installed into body. Omega covers a lot of different mesh bodies & kit can be purchased also on marketplace or in world for a small fee. Please check http://slpoweredbyomega.com/supported-meshes/ to see if your mesh body is supported by Omega.
Leggins on the picture are shown on Slink Male mesh body.
-> Seductive lingerie at affordable prices! <-