Nice house for Hobbits, Elves, Fairys or someone who love this unique style. This ia a update from the old -Hobbit-House. there are many changes inside and outside. A new door system let you control the visitors and the windows can be darkening outside. New are also the old tree with swing and the gardenbench with 5 cuddle-animations. the fire from the fireplace inside is listen on chat command fire on / fire off
There is no demoversion anymore on marketplace, but you can try it inworld at the demo-area. The whole house comes in rez-faux. Very easy setup. I hope you like it
look at the demo version inworld
See item in Second Lifesweet
I have just rezzed this little gem it's adorable and I can't wait to furnish it thank you
A really lovely hobbit house ...
And the most amazing Customer Service that I've had on SL in a very long time :)
Thank you so very much A+++