G 全般

Hobo Cane Bindle Bag 3

Hobo Cane Bindle Bag 3

I have taken some of the very best elements of the hobo bag (bindle sack) and added a bit of class to it.

This hobo bag is not just your typical stick bag, but instead is a high quality mesh cane with a bag tied on that has a built in texture changer and the choice of 5 different color to choose from (red, green, yellow, brown, blue). Just click the bag and choose your color.

The cane itself also has a resize script built-in, just click the cane and choose the size.

The cane has a stick holding animation built in, so just ADD to your worn items, and give permission to animate your avatar. You may need to adjust the position of how you're holding it once attached, as with most wearables.

The item is copy/mod/no trans, and the included scripts are no mod.

Second Life の商品を表示
  • Color Change Bag Texture
  • Cane Resize Script
  • High Quality Mesh
  • Animation Included in Cane
  • Mesh