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Holly Crown with resizer UNISEX (mesh)

Holly Crown with resizer UNISEX (mesh)
Holly Crown with resizer UNISEX (mesh)
0 Reviews

Holly Crown with Resizer (unrigged mesh) has been tested on my entire hair collection (I have a little hair shopping problem), and has been successfully fitted on all of them, as well as my friend who wears only a hair base. Permissions are copy/mod, though the resizer scripts will make it say no mod. Resizer instructions are included and the scripts may be deleted once you have it fitted. Since it's copy, you can always use it again on another hair.

Please check out my Marketplace store for more creepy, spooky, disgusting and just plain vanilla items.If there is ever a problem with one of my items, please contact me directly. Old items that are still making people happy are there, too, discounted.

Cynianne Hellershanks
Accents Design
Since 2008

L$ 259

Adding to cart as gift


Accents Design
Sold by: Cynianne Hellershanks

Unpacking Required

This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.

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0 Reviews
  • Copy
  • Modify
  • Transfer
  • User Licensed
Automatic redelivery
Mesh: 100% Mesh