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*~*HopScotch*~* Fly a Kite - Eagle

*~*HopScotch*~* Fly a Kite - Eagle

If you played the popular Magic School game these kites will look familiar, as they were heavily inspired by those.

Note: This is the kite Eagle Kite. For other versions please check below!

Each Kite comes with 2 versions:
- Full mesh, static and unmoving, perfect for pictures
- Partial mesh, the kit itself is mesh but the trails are flexi, perfect for running through a field and having a windy experience

Each Kite also includes a spindle that will attach your kite to your hand via a particle rope. That rope will adjust when you move the kite without having to reposition the spindle. The spindle poses your arm and overrides your AO.

To use attach the kite so it will move with you, if you want the rope connection attach the spindle as well.
You *can* rez the kite if you wish, but then it won't follow you around but makes a good static decoration!