G Général

Horror doll (shoulder companion / home decor) Version 001

Horror doll (shoulder companion / home decor)

Directly from hell, this little puppet. Useful as shoulder-companion (just ""add"") or as home decor.
Whenever someone clicks the head of a scripted doll it will ""speak"" in open chat…
You get a pack with 3 versions:
DO-001 HorrorDoll_MeshT - HorrorDoll
DO-001 HorrorDoll_MeshTSD - HorrorDoll with Script in German
DO-001 HorrorDoll_MeshTSE - HorrorDoll with Script in English.
You can resize these items (copy and mod) but be aware that land impact of mesh objects may increase if you change size.
You need a mesh enabled Viewer to see the items correctly.
Please buy the Demo versions they contain fully functional scripts

  • Full Mesh
  • Version without script included
  • Version with German script included
  • Version with English script included