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Horse Rugby Game

Horse Rugby Game

Horse Rugby is a fast-paced and full-contact team sport developed by McLaglen Designs and artMEfashion.

The aim of the game is simple: Get the ball and then carry it to your goalpost to score. But watch out - the other team will be trying to grab the ball from you and score a goal of their own.
The first team to score a set number of goals wins the game.

This set contains everything you need to play the game:
- 2 goalposts
- A center spot
- A scoreboard to mount on a wall
- A scoreboard to stand on the ground

To set up the game you will need to place the center spot in the middle of the chosen playing area and put the blue and red goalposts at opposite ends of the area. Then place one of the scoreboards where the players can see it. All players will need to get and wear a Player Kit from the scoreboard, then you are good to go.

The game length can be customized using the Menu button on the scoreboard. The scoreboard also includes a Team Select button which can be used to randomly put players on either Red or Blue teams (for when you just can't decide which of your friends you'd rather be on a team with).

The game is optimized to be played on rezzed Teeglepet horses / Teegle horse avatar riding systems, but it can also be used on foot and with other small vehicles, such as motorcycles. (Please note that we can not guarantee that it will be compatible with all SL vehicles, avatars, or attachments).

More fun games you will find at MClaglen Designs MP store : https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/15074

See item in Second Life
  • 100% custom mesh
  • easy handling
  • Low Prim
  • fully functional
  • detailed manual included